So, you’re probably thinking, who is this ginger with the leather jacket & boots? Well! I thought you’d never ask, allow me to introduce myself.
I’m Sarah, the sheriff in town. 

I'm Sarah


|WANTED| A networking calendar for boardroom bandits

Your personal brand is your most valuable asset. So why keep it hidden?

You are your own community manager and building connections is key.

I get that sometimes it’s difficult to find the time. But make it a priority, it’s as simple as that. It’s an investment into your professional and personal growth. It’s not a chore, it’s a marketing strategy.

I’ve put together a sample social calendar for anyone who wants to network and expand their visibility. Remember to adjust it based on your interests, industry, schedule, and comfort level. This is what I use to to make sure I’m continuing to grow my network and expand my perspective.


Cowboy Coffee: Schedule 1-2 coffee chats with colleagues or industry contacts to catch up and learn about their current projects.

Prospecting: Spend 30 minutes sending follow-up emails or LinkedIn messages to people you met this week. Mention your conversation and express interest in staying connected. (And please, make this genuine.)


Queen of the Rodeo: Look for workshops, conferences, or panels specifically for women in tech. This is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and potential mentors.

Trailblazing Volunteer: Assist with logistics or mentor up-and-coming talent. This is a fantastic way to give back, network and be seen. Volunteering is a great way to network without the pressure, because you’ll have a role to play at the event you’ll organically meet new people, rather than the ol stand in the corner by the charcuterie board trick.

Saloon Soiree aka Happy Hour: Network in a casual setting with colleagues and industry professionals. A sip or two will help with breaking the ice.

Campfire Chats: Attend a local meetup or online webinar focused on your niche. Participate in discussions and connect with fellow attendees.


Industry Roundup: Attend a major tech conference relevant to your field. Participate in workshops, keynotes, and networking events.

High Stakes: Volunteer to speak at industry events, local meetups or internal brown bags/presentations to solidify your expertise and gain visibility.

Attend industry events, network with peers, and engage in conversations that matter. Raise your profile by sharing your journey, insights, and experiences on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

This not only builds your reputation but also attracts opportunities and collaborations. Join online communities, participate in forums, and contribute to discussions. By being active and visible, you create a web of relationships that can support and elevate your career. Remember, people want to work with individuals they know, like, and trust. So, be your own community manager and look to elevate your personal brand.

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